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19 Mart 2011 Cumartesi

.dll Dosya uzantilari ve aciklamalari

Windowsta kullanılan, .dll uzantılılı dosyalarınn isimleri ve açıklamaları.
Sıra - Dll Adı - ****Açıklama

1 3ivx.dll **** 3ivx D4 4.0.4 Core
2 3ivxvfwcodec.dll **** 3ivx D4 4.0.4 Video for Windows Codec
3 6to4svc.dll **** Service that offers IPv6 connectivity over an IPv4 network.
4 A3d.dll **** Audio3D
5 Aaaamon.dll **** Aaaa Monitor DLL
6 Acctres.dll **** Microsoft Internet Account Manager Kaynakları
7 Acledit.dll **** Erişim Denetimi Listesi Düzenleyici
8 Aclui.dll **** Security Descriptor Editor
9 Activeds.dll **** AD Yönlendirici Katmanı DLL
10 Actxprxy.dll **** ActiveX Interface Marshaling Library
11 Admparse.dll **** IEAK Genel Kural Şablonu Ayrıştırıcısı
12 Adptif.dll **** IPX Interface via WinSock
13 Adsldp.dll **** ADs LDAP Provider DLL
14 Adsldpc.dll **** ADs LDAP Sağlayıcı C DLL
15 Adsm***t.dll **** ADs LDAP Provider DLL
16 Adsnds.dll **** ADs NDS Sağlayıcı DLL
17 Adsnt.dll **** ADs Windows NT Sağlayıcı DLL'i
18 Adsnw.dll **** ADs Netware 3.12 Provider DLL
19 Advapi32.dll **** Gelişmiş Windows 32 Tabanlı API
20 Advpack.dll **** ADVPACK
21 Alrsvc.dll **** Alerter Service DLL
22 Apcups.dll **** APC Smart Provider
23 Apphelp.dll **** Application Compatibility Client Library
24 Appmgmts.dll **** Yazılım Yükleme Hizmeti
25 Appmgr.dll **** Yazılım Yüklemesi Ek Bileşen Uzantısı
26 Asferror.dll **** ASF Hata Tanımlamaları
27 Ati2cqag.dll **** Central Memory Manager / Queue Server Module
28 Ati2dvag.dll **** ATI Radeon WindowsNT Display Driver
29 Ati2edxx.dll **** ati2edxx
30 Ati2evxx.dll **** ATI External Event Utility DLL Module
31 Ati3d1ag.dll **** ati3d1ag.dll ****
32 Ati3duag.dll **** ati3duag.dll ****
33 Atiddc.dll **** atiddc
34 Atidemgr.dll **** Graphics DEM
35 Atiiiexx.dll **** .INF file installer
36 Atikvmag.dll **** Virtual Command And Memory Manager
37 Atioglx1.dll **** ATI OpenGL driver
38 Atioglxx.dll **** ATI OpenGL driver
39 Atipdlxx.dll **** ATI Desktop CWDDEDI DLL
40 Atitvo32.dll **** ATI RageTheater/ImpacTV2 COM interface
41 Ativcoxx.dll **** 32-bit ATI VCO Driver
42 Ativvaxx.dll **** Radeon Video Acceleration Universal Driver
43 Atkctrs.dll **** Windows NT AppleTalk Perfmon Counter dll
44 Atl.dll **** ATL Module for Windows XP (Unicode)
45 Atl71.dll **** ATL Module for Windows (Unicode)
46 Atmfd.dll **** Windows NT OpenType/Type 1 Font Driver
47 Atmlib.dll **** Windows NT OpenType/Type 1 API Library.
48 Atmpvcno.dll **** Atm Epvc Install DLL
49 Atrace.dll **** Async Trace DLL
50 Audio3d.dll **** Audio3D
51 Audiodev.dll **** Taşınabilir Ortam Aygıtları Kabuk Uzantısı
52 Audiosrv.dll **** Windows Audio Service
53 Authz.dll **** Authorization Framework
54 Autodisc.dll **** Windows AutoDiscovery API
55 Autprx32.dll **** Microsoft Remote Automation Proxy for Windows NT(TM) Operating System
56 Avicap.dll **** AVI Yakalama DLL
57 Avicap32.dll **** AVI Yakalama DLL
58 Avifil32.dll **** Microsoft AVI Dosya destek kitaplığı
59 Avifile.dll **** Microsoft AVI Dosya destek kitaplığı
60 Avmeter.dll **** Metering Controls
61 Avtapi.dll **** TAPI 3.0 Arama ve IP Çok Noktaya Yayın Konferans Görüntüleyicisi
62 Avwav.dll **** Wave Manipulation Component
63 Basesrv.dll **** Windows NT BASE API Server DLL
64 Batmeter.dll **** Battery Meter Helper DLL
65 Batt.dll **** Battery Class Installer
66 Bidispl.dll **** Bidispl DLL
67 Bitsprx2.dll **** Background Intelligent Transfer Service Proxy
68 Bitsprx3.dll **** Background Intelligent Transfer Service 2.0 Proxy
69 Blackbox.dll **** BlackBox DLL
70 Bootvid.dll **** VGA Boot Driver
71 Browselc.dll **** Kabuk Tarayıcısı KA Kitaplığı
72 Browser.dll **** Computer Browser Service DLL
73 Browseui.dll **** Kabuk Tarayıcısı KA Kitaplığı
74 Browsewm.dll **** BrowseWM Player
75 Bthci.dll **** Bluetooth Class Installer
76 Bthserv.dll **** Bluetooth Support Service
77 Btpanui.dll **** Bluetooth PAN User Interface
78 C_iscii.dll **** ISCII Code Page Translation DLL
79 Cabinet.dll **** Microsoft® Cabinet File API
80 Cabview.dll **** Cabinet File Viewer Shell Extension
81 Camocx.dll **** WIA Kamera Görünüm DLL
82 Capesnpn.dll **** Microsoft® Sertifika Şablon Yönetimi Uzantısı
83 Capicom.dll **** CAPICOM Module
84 Cards.dll **** Entertainment Pack Cardplaying Helper DLL
85 Ccfgnt.dll **** Internet Configuration Library
86 Cdfview.dll **** Kanal Tanımlama Dosya Görüntüleyicisi
87 Cdm.dll **** Windows Update CDM Stub
88 Cdmodem.dll **** Modem Connection Driver
89 Cdosys.dll **** Microsoft CDO for Windows Library
90 Certcli.dll **** Microsoft® Sertifika Hizmetleri İstemcisi
91 Certmgr.dll **** Sertifika ek bileşeni
92 Cewmdm.dll **** Windows CE WMDM Service Provider
93 Cfgbkend.dll **** Configuration Backend Interface
94 Cfgmgr32.dll **** Configuration Manager Forwarder DLL
95 Ciadmin.dll **** CI Yönetimi (MMC)
96 Cic.dll **** Görev defteri için CIC - MMC denetimleri
97 Ciodm.dll **** Indexing Service Admin Automation Objects
98 Clb.dll **** Sütun Liste Kutusu
99 Cliconfg.dll **** SQL Client Configuration Utility DLL
100 Clusapi.dll **** Cluster API Library
101 Cmcfg32.dll **** Microsoft Bağlantı Yöneticisi Yapılandırma Dll
102 Cmdial32.dll **** Microsoft Bağlantı Yöneticisi
103 Cmpbk32.dll **** Microsoft Connection Manager Phonebook
104 Cmprops.dll **** WMI Ek Bileşenleri
105 Cmsetacl.dll **** Connection Manager ACL update
106 Cmutil.dll **** Microsoft Bağlantı Yöneticisi Yardımcı Programı Kitaplığı
107 Cnbjmon.dll **** Canon Bubble-Jet Yazıcı Dil İzleyicisi
108 Cnetcfg.dll **** Bağlantı Yöneticisi Kitaplığı
109 Cnvfat.dll **** FAT File System Conversion Utility DLL
110 Comcat.dll **** Microsoft Component Category Manager Library
111 Comctl32.dll **** Common Controls Library
112 Comdlg32.dll **** Ortak iletişim DLL
113 Commdlg.dll **** Ortak İletişimler Kitaplığı
114 Commtb32.dll **** Microsoft Button Editor DLL
115 Compatui.dll **** CompatUI Modülü
116 Compobj.dll **** OLE 2.1 16/32 Interoperability Library
117 Compstui.dll **** Ortak Özellik Sayfası Kullanıcı Arabirimi DLL'i
118 Confmsp.dll **** Microsoft IP Konferansı Ortam Hizmeti Sağlayıcısı
119 Console.dll **** Denetim Masası Konsol Uygulaması
120 Corpol.dll **** Microsoft COM Runtime Execution Engine
121 Credui.dll **** Kimlik Bilgisi Yöneticisi Kullanıcı Arabirimi
122 Crtdll.dll **** Microsoft C Runtime Library
123 Crypt32.dll **** Şifreleme API32
124 Cryptdlg.dll **** Microsoft Ortak Sertifika İletişim Kutuları
125 Cryptdll.dll **** Cryptography Manager
126 Cryptext.dll **** Şifrelenmiş Kabuk Uzantıları
127 Cryptnet.dll **** Crypto Network Related API
128 Cryptsvc.dll **** Cryptographic Services
129 Cryptui.dll **** Microsoft Trust Kullanıcı Arayüzü Sağlayıcısı
130 Cscdll.dll **** Çevrimdışı Ağ Aracısı
131 Cscui.dll **** İstemci Tarafındaki Önbellek Ara Birimi
132 Csrsrv.dll **** Client Server Runtime Process
133 Csseqchk.dll **** CSSeqChk
134 Ctl3d32.dll **** Ctl3D 3D Windows Controls
135 Ctl3dv2.dll **** Ctl3D 3D Windows NT(WOW) Controls
136 D3d8.dll **** Microsoft Direct3D
137 D3d8thk.dll **** Microsoft Direct3D OS Thunk Layer
138 D3d9.dll **** Microsoft Direct3D
139 D3dim.dll **** Microsoft Direct3D
140 D3dim700.dll **** Microsoft Direct3D
141 D3dpmesh.dll **** Direct3D Progressive Mesh DLL
142 D3dramp.dll **** Microsoft Direct3D
143 D3drm.dll **** Direct3D Retained Mode DLL
144 D3dxof.dll **** DirectX Files DLL
145 Danim.dll **** DirectX Ortamı -- DirectAnimation
146 Dataclen.dll **** Windows için Disk Alanı Boşaltıcısı
147 Datime.dll **** TIME
148 Davclnt.dll **** Web DAV İstemci DLL
149 Dbadapt.dll **** Microsoft Data Adapter DLL
150 Dbgeng.dll **** Symbolic Debugger Engine for Windows 2000
151 Dbghelp.dll **** Windows Image Helper
152 Dbmsrpcn.dll **** ConnectTo RPC Net Library
153 Dbmsshrn.dll **** ConnectTo RPC Net Library
154 Dbmssocn.dll **** Winsock Net DLL for SQL Server
155 Dbnetlib.dll **** Winsock Oriented Net DLL for SQL Clients
156 Dbnmpntw.dll **** Named Pipes Net DLL for SQL Clients
157 Dciman32.dll **** DCI Manager
158 Ddeml.dll **** DDE Management library
159 Ddraw.dll **** Microsoft DirectDraw
160 Ddrawex.dll **** Direct Draw Ex
161 Deskadp.dll **** Gelişmiş görüntü bağdaştırıcısı özellikleri
162 Deskmon.dll **** Gelişmiş görüntü monitörü özellikleri
163 Deskperf.dll **** İleri düzey görüntü performans özellikleri
164 Devenum.dll **** Aygıt sıralama.
165 Devmgr.dll **** Aygıt Yöneticisi MMC Ek Bileşeni
166 Devtldc.dll **** Microsoft(R) Developer Studio Automation Types
167 Dfrgres.dll **** Disk Birleştiricisi Kaynak Modülü
168 Dfrgsnap.dll **** Disk Birleştirici Ek Bileşen Modülü
169 Dfrgui.dll **** Disk Defragmenter UI Module
170 Dfsshlex.dll **** Dağıtılmış Dosya Sistemi Kabuk Uzantısı
171 Dgnet.dll **** Dgnet Modülü
172 Dgrpsetu.dll **** Digi RealPort® Driver Upgrade
173 Dgsetup.dll **** DGSETUP DLL
174 Dhcpcsvc.dll **** DHCP İstemci Hizmeti
175 Dhcpmon.dll **** DHCP İzleme Dll'si
176 Dhcpsapi.dll **** DHCP Sunucusu API Stub DLL'si
177 Diactfrm.dll **** Microsoft DirectInput Mapper Framework
178 Digest.dll **** Digest SSPI Kimlik Doğrulama Paketi
179 Dimap.dll **** Microsoft DirectInput Mapper
180 Dinput.dll **** Microsoft DirectInput
181 Dinput8.dll **** Microsoft DirectInput
182 Diskcopy.dll **** Windows DiskCopy
183 Dispex.dll **** Microsoft (r) DispEx
184 Dmband.dll **** Microsoft DirectMusic Band
185 Dmcompos.dll **** Microsoft DirectMusic Composer
186 Dmconfig.dll **** Logical Disk Manager Configuration Library
187 Dmdlgs.dll **** Disk Management Snap-in Dialogs
188 Dmdskmgr.dll **** Disk Management Snap-in Support Library
189 Dmdskres.dll **** Disk Yönetimi Ek Bileşen Kaynakları
190 Dmime.dll **** Microsoft DirectMusic Interactive Engine
191 Dmintf.dll **** Disk Management DCOM Interface Stub
192 Dmloader.dll **** Microsoft DirectMusic Loader
193 Dmocx.dll **** TreeView OCX
194 Dmscript.dll **** Microsoft DirectMusic Scripting
195 Dmserver.dll **** Logical Disk Manager service dll
196 Dmstyle.dll **** Microsoft DirectMusic Style Engline
197 Dmsynth.dll **** Microsoft DirectMusic Software Synthesizer
198 Dmusic.dll **** Microsoft DirectMusic Çekirdek Hizmetleri
199 Dmutil.dll **** Mantıksal Disk Yöneticisi Hizmet Programları Kitaplığı
200 Dnsapi.dll **** DNS Client API DLL
201 Dnsrslvr.dll **** DNS Önbellek Çözme Hizmeti
202 Docprop.dll **** OLE DOCFIlE Özellik Sayfası
203 Docprop2.dll **** Microsoft DocProp Shell Ext
204 Dpcdll.dll **** Dpcdll Modülü
205 Dplay.dll **** Microsoft DirectPlay
206 Dplayx.dll **** Microsoft DirectPlay
207 Dpmodemx.dll **** DirectPlay için Modem ve Seri Bağlantı
208 Dpnaddr.dll **** Microsoft DirectPlay8 Address
209 Dpnet.dll **** Microsoft DirectPlay
210 Dpnhpast.dll **** Microsoft DirectPlay NAT Helper PAST
211 Dpnhupnp.dll **** Microsoft DirectPlay NAT Helper UPnP
212 Dpnlobby.dll **** Microsoft DirectPlay8 Lobby
213 Dpnmodem.dll **** Microsoft DirectPlay8 Modem Provider
214 Dpnwsock.dll **** Microsoft DirectPlay8 Winsock Provider
215 Dpserial.dll **** Microsoft DirectPlay Modem Servis Sağlayıcısı
216 Dpvacm.dll **** Microsoft DirectPlay Voice ACM Provider
217 Dpvoice.dll **** Microsoft DirectPlayVoice
218 Dpvvox.dll **** Microsoft DirectPlay Voice Voxware Provider
219 Dpwsock.dll **** Microsoft DirectPlay Local Net Service Provider
220 Dpwsockx.dll **** DirectPlay için Internet TCP/IP ve IPX Bağlantısı
221 Drmclien.dll **** DRM Client DLL
222 Drmstor.dll **** DRM Store DLL
223 Drmv2clt.dll **** DRMv2 Client DLL
224 Drprov.dll **** Microsoft Terminal Server Network Provider
225 Ds16gt.dll **** Microsoft ODBC Driver Setup Generic Thunk
226 Ds32gt.dll **** Microsoft Data Access - ODBC Driver Setup Generic Thunk
227 Dsauth.dll **** DS Authorization for Services
228 Dsdmo.dll **** DirectSound Effects
229 Dsdmoprp.dll **** DirectSound Effects Property Pages
230 Dskquota.dll **** Windows Shell Disk Quota Support DLL
231 Dskquoui.dll **** Windows Shell Disk Quota UI DLL
232 Dsound.dll **** DirectSound
233 Dsound3d.dll **** DirectSound3D LUT
234 Dsprop.dll **** Windows Active Directory Özellik Sayfaları
235 Dsprpres.dll **** Windows Active Directory Özellik Sayfaları Kaynakları
236 Dsquery.dll **** Dizin Servisi Bul
237 Dssec.dll **** Dizin Hizmet Güvenliği UI
238 Dssenh.dll **** Microsoft Enhanced DSS and Diffie-Hellman Cryptographic Provider
239 Dsuiext.dll **** Dizin Servisleri Ortak Ara Birimi
240 Dswave.dll **** Microsoft DirectMusic Wave
241 Duser.dll **** Windows DirectUser Engine
242 Dx7vb.dll **** Microsoft DirectX for Visual Basic
243 Dx8vb.dll **** Microsoft DirectX for Visual Basic
244 Dxdiagn.dll **** Microsoft DirectX Tanılama Aracı
245 Dxmasf.dll **** Windows Ortam Kaynak Süzgeci
246 Dxtmsft.dll **** DirectX Media -- Image DirectX Transforms
247 Dxtrans.dll **** DirectX Media -- DirectX Transform Core
248 Efsadu.dll **** Dosya Şifreleme Hizmet Programı
249 Elbycdio.dll **** ElbyCDIO DLL
250 Els.dll **** Olay Görüntüleyici Ek Bileşeni
251 Encapi.dll **** Encoder API
252 Eqnclass.dll **** Equinox Multiport Seri Yükleyicisi
253 Ersvc.dll **** Windows Error Reporting Service
254 Esent.dll **** Sunucu Veritabanı Saklama Altyapısı
255 Esent97.dll **** Microsoft(R) Windows NT(TM) Sunucu Veritabanı Saklama Altyapısı
256 Esentprf.dll **** Server Database Storage Performance Library
257 Eventcls.dll **** Microsoft® Volume Shadow Copy Service event class
258 Eventlog.dll **** Olay Günlüğü Tutma Hizmeti
259 Expsrv.dll **** Visual Basic for Applications Runtime - Expression Service
260 Extmgr.dll **** Extensions Manager
261 Exts.dll **** Debugger Extensions
262 Faultrep.dll **** Windows Hata Bildirimi
263 Fde.dll **** Klasör Yeniden Yönlendirme Ek Bileşen Uzantısı
264 Fdeploy.dll **** Klasör Yeniden Yönlendirme Winlogon Uzantısı
265 Feclient.dll **** Windows NT File Encryption Client Interfaces
266 Filemgmt.dll **** Hizmet ve Paylaştırılan Klasörler
267 Fldrclnr.dll **** Masaüstü Temizleme Sihirbazı
268 Fltlib.dll **** Filter Library
269 Fm20.dll **** Microsoft® Forms DLL
270 Fm20enu.dll **** Microsoft® Forms International DLL
271 Fmifs.dll **** FM IFS Utility DLL
272 Fontext.dll **** Windows Yazı tipi Klasörü
273 Fontsub.dll **** Font Subsetting DLL
274 Framebuf.dll **** Framebuffer Display Driver
275 Fsusd.dll **** Dosya Sistemi Kamera Aygıtları DLL
276 Ftlx041e.dll **** Thai Wordbreaker
277 Ftsrch.dll **** Microsoft® Full-Text Search
278 Fwcfg.dll **** Windows Firewall Configuration Helper
279 Gcdef.dll **** Game Controllers Default Sheets
280 Gdi32.dll **** GDI Client DLL
281 Getuname.dll **** Unicode name Dll for UCE
282 Glmf32.dll **** OpenGL ****filing DLL
283 Glu32.dll **** OpenGL Yardımcı Uygulaması DLL Kitaplığı
284 Gpedit.dll **** GPEdit
285 Gpkcsp.dll **** Gemplus Cryptographic Service Provider
286 Gpkrsrc.dll **** Gemplus Şifreleme Servis Sağlayıcısı Kaynakları
287 Gptext.dll **** GPTExt
288 H323msp.dll **** Microsoft H.323 Media Service Provider
289 Hal.dll **** Hardware Abstraction Layer DLL
290 Hccoin.dll **** USB Coinstaller
291 Hhactivex.dll **** HHActiveX Control DLL
292 Hhsetup.dll **** Microsoft® HTML Help
293 Hid.dll **** Hid User Library
294 Hidserv.dll **** HID Audio Service
295 Hlink.dll **** Microsoft Bağ Kitaplığı
296 Hlp95en.dll **** Microsoft Office WinHelp Utility DLL
297 Hnetcfg.dll **** Ev Ağı Yapılandırma Yöneticisi
298 Hnetmon.dll **** Ev Ağı İzleme DLL'si
299 Hnetwiz.dll **** Ağ Kurulum Sihirbazı
300 Hotplug.dll **** Donanımı Güvenli Çıkarma uygulaması
301 Hticons.dll **** HyperTerminal Applet Library
302 Htmutil.dll **** Microsoft (R) Visual Studio HTML Utilities
303 Httpapi.dll **** HTTP Protocol Stack API
304 Htui.dll **** Genel noktalı resim Renk Ayarlama İletişim Kutuları
305 Huffyuv.dll **** Huffyuv lossless video codec
306 Hypertrm.dll **** HyperTerminal Uygulaması Kitaplığı
307 Iasacct.dll **** IAS Hesap İşlemi Sağlayıcı
308 Iasads.dll **** IAS Active Directory Veri Deposu
309 Iashlpr.dll **** IAS Yedek Bileşeni
310 Iasnap.dll **** IAS NAP Provider
311 Iaspolcy.dll **** IAS Pipeline
312 Iasrad.dll **** IAS RADIUS İletişim Kuralı Bileşeni
313 Iasrecst.dll **** IAS Jet Database Access
314 Iassam.dll **** IAS NT SAM Provider
315 Iassdo.dll **** IAS SDO Bileşeni
316 Iassvcs.dll **** IAS Hizmetleri Bileşeni
317 Icaapi.dll **** DLL Interface to TermDD Device Driver
318 Iccvid.dll **** Cinepak® Codec
319 Icfgnt5.dll **** Internet Connection Wizard
320 Icm32.dll **** Microsoft Renk Yönetim Modülü (CMM)
321 Icmp.dll **** ICMP DLL
322 Icmui.dll **** Microsoft Color Matching System User Interface DLL
323 Icwdial.dll **** Internet Bağlantı Sihirbazı Otomatik Çeviricisi
324 Icwphbk.dll **** Internet Bağlantı Sihirbazı
325 Idq.dll **** dizin Hizmeti ISAPI Uzantısı
326 Ieakeng.dll **** Internet Explorer Administration Kit Motoru Kitaplığı
327 Ieaksie.dll **** Internet Explorer Grup Kuralı Küçük Eklenti Genişletmesi
328 Ieakui.dll **** Microsoft IEAK Paylaşılan Kullanıcı Arabirimi DLL'i
329 Iedkcs32.dll **** Microsoft Internet Explorer Özelleştirme DLL'i
330 Ieencode.dll **** FE2X
331 Iepeers.dll **** Internet Explorer Peer Objects
332 Iernonce.dll **** Kullanıcı arabirimi ile çalışan genişletilmiş BirKezÇalıştır
333 Iesetup.dll **** IOD Sürüm Eşleme
334 Ifmon.dll **** Arabirim İzleme DLL'si
335 Ifsutil.dll **** IFS Utility DLL
336 Igmpagnt.dll **** Microsoft IGMP subagent
337 Iissuba.dll **** Microsoft IIS sub-authentication handler
338 Ils.dll **** User Location Services Component Module
339 Imagehlp.dll **** Windows NT Image Helper
340 Imagr5.dll **** ImagXpress Image Processing DLL
341 Imagx5.dll **** ImagXpress Image Processing DLL
342 Imagxpr5.dll **** ImagXpress v5.0
343 Imeshare.dll **** Microsoft Office IME Shared property library.
344 Imgutil.dll **** IE plugin image decoder support DLL
345 Imm32.dll **** Windows XP IMM32 API Client DLL
346 Inetcfg.dll **** Internet Bağlantı Sihirbazı Kitaplığı
347 Inetcomm.dll **** Microsoft Internet Messaging API
348 Inetcplc.dll **** Internet Denetim Masası
349 Inetmib1.dll **** Microsoft MIB-II subagent
350 Inetpp.dll **** Internet Yazdırma Sağlayıcısı DLL
351 Inetppui.dll **** Internetten Yazdırma İstemcisi DLL
352 Inetres.dll **** Microsoft Internet Messaging API Kaynakları
353 Infosoft.dll **** Wordbreaker and stemmer dll
354 Initpki.dll **** Microsoft Trust Yükleme ve Kurma
355 Inked.dll **** Microsoft Tablet PC Platform Component
356 Input.dll **** Metir Giriş DLL
357 Inseng.dll **** Yükleme altyapısı
358 Iologmsg.dll **** GÇ Günlüğe Yazma DLL’si
359 Iphlpapi.dll **** IP Yardımcısı API
360 Ipmontr.dll **** IP Yönlendirici İzleme DLL'i
361 Ipnathlp.dll **** Microsoft NAT Yardımcısı Bileşenleri
362 Ippromon.dll **** IP Protocols Monitor DLL
363 Iprop.dll **** OLE PropertySet Implementation
364 Iprtprio.dll **** IP Routing Protocol Priority DLL
365 Iprtrmgr.dll **** IP Yönlendiricisi Yöneticisi
366 Ipsecsnp.dll **** Microsoft Windows 2000 için Internet İletişim Güvenliği İlkeleri Yönetim Eklentisi
367 Ipsecsvc.dll **** Windows IPSec SPD Sunucu DLL
368 Ipsmsnap.dll **** IP Güvenlik İzleyicisi Ek Bileşeni
369 Ipv6mon.dll **** Arabirim İzleme DLL'si
370 Ipxmontr.dll **** IPX Yönlendiricisi İzleyici DLL
371 Ipxpromn.dll **** IPX Yönlendiricisi İzleyici DLL
372 Ipxrip.dll **** IPX RIP
373 Ipxrtmgr.dll **** IPX ROUTER MANAGER
374 Ipxsap.dll **** SAP Agent DLL
375 Ir41_qc.dll **** Intel Indeo® Video Interactive Quick Compressor
376 Ir41_qcx.dll **** Intel Indeo® Video Interactive Quick Compressor
377 Ir50_lcs.dll **** Intel Indeo® video 5.0 LC
378 Irclass.dll **** Kızılötesi Aygıt Sınıf Yükleyicisi
379 Isign32.dll **** Internet Kaydolma
380 Isrdbg32.dll **** ISR Debug 32-bit Engine
381 Itircl.dll **** Microsoft® InfoTech IR Local DLL
382 Itss.dll **** Microsoft® InfoTech Storage System Library
383 Iuengine.dll **** Windows Update Control Engine
384 Ixsso.dll **** Dizin Hizmeti Sunucu Tarafı Nesnesi
385 Iyuv_32.dll **** Intel Indeo(R) Video YUV Codec
386 Javale.dll **** Java Language Engine
387 Jet500.dll **** JET Engine DLL
388 Jgaw400.dll **** JG Audio Interface DLL
389 Jgdw400.dll **** JG ART DLL
390 Jgmd400.dll **** JG MIDI Player DLL
391 Jgpl400.dll **** JG ART Player DLL
392 Jgsd400.dll **** JG ART DLL
393 Jgsh400.dll **** JG Slide Show Player DLL
394 Jobexec.dll **** Etkin Kur İş Yürütücüsü
395 Jscript.dll **** Microsoft (r) JScript
396 Jsproxy.dll **** JScript Proxy Auto-Configuration
397 Jstr.dll **** Microsoft (r) JScript Uluslararası Kaynakları
398 Kd1394.dll **** Kernel Debugger IEEE 1394 HW Extension DLL
399 Kdcom.dll **** Kernel Debugger HW Extension DLL
400 Kerberos.dll **** Kerberos Security Package
401 Kernel32.dll **** Win32 Kernel çekirdek bileşeni
402 Keymgr.dll **** Depolanan Kullanıcı Adı ve Parolaları
403 Ksuser.dll **** User CSA Library
404 Langwrbk.dll **** English wordbreaker
405 Laprxy.dll **** Windows Media Logagent Proxy
406 Licdll.dll **** licdll Modülü
407 Licmgr10.dll **** ActiveX Lisans Yöneticisi
408 Licwmi.dll **** Windows Product Activation Configuration WMI provider
409 Linkinfo.dll **** Windows Volume Tracking
410 Lmhsvc.dll **** TCPIP NetBios Transport Services DLL
411 Lmrt.dll **** Liquid Motion Runtime Control
412 Loadperf.dll **** Performans Sayaçları Yükle & Kaldır
413 Localsec.dll **** Yerel Kullanıcılar ve Gruplar MMC Ek Bileşeni
414 Localspl.dll **** Yerel Biriktirici DLL
415 Localui.dll **** Yerel İzleyici Kullanıcı Arabirimi DLL’si
416 Loghours.dll **** Zamanlama İletişimi
417 Lpk.dll **** Language Pack
418 Lprhelp.dll **** LPR Print Monitor
419 Lprmonui.dll **** LPR Yazdırma İzleyicisi Kullanıcı Arabirimi
420 Lsasrv.dll **** LSA Sunucu DLL'si
421 Lspcs.dll **** filter lsp
422 Lz32.dll **** LZ Expand/Compress API DLL
423 Lzexpand.dll **** Windows file expansion library
424 Mag_hook.dll **** Microsoft Magnifier hook library file
425 Mapistub.dll **** Extended MAPI 1.0 for Windows NT
426 Mcastmib.dll **** Microsoft Multicast subagent
427 Mcd32.dll **** OpenGL MCD Client DLL
428 Mcdsrv32.dll **** MCD Server
429 Mchgrcoi.dll **** Medium Changer CoInstaller
430 Mciavi32.dll **** Video For Windows MCI sürücüsü
431 Mcicda.dll **** Cdaudio aygıtları için MCI sürücüsü
432 Mciole16.dll **** MCIOLE16 - OLE Handler DLL for MCI Objects
433 Mciole32.dll **** MCI OLE DLL
434 Mciqtz32.dll **** DirectShow MCI Sürücü
435 Mciseq.dll **** Microsoft MCI MIDI Ardışımlayıcı
436 Mciwave.dll **** MCI driver for waveform audio
437 Mdhcp.dll **** Microsoft MDHCP İstemcisi COM Arabirimi
438 Mdimon.dll **** Microsoft® Document Imaging
439 Mdminst.dll **** Modem Sınıf Yükleyicisi
440 Mdt2fw95.dll **** Microsoft Design Tools - W95 Wrappers
441 Mdwmdmsp.dll **** WMDM Service Provider driver for MDM Drivers
442 Mf3216.dll **** 32-bit to 16-bit ****file Conversion DLL
443 Mfc40.dll **** MFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version
444 Mfc40loc.dll **** MFC Dile Özel Kaynaklar
445 Mfc40u.dll **** MFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version
446 Mfc42.dll **** MFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version
447 Mfc42d.dll **** MFCDLL Shared Library - Debug Version
448 Mfc42loc.dll **** MFC Dile Özel Kaynaklar
449 Mfc42trk.dll **** MFC Dile Özel Kaynaklar
450 Mfc42u.dll **** MFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version
451 Mfc70.dll **** MFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version
452 Mfc70u.dll **** MFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version
453 Mfc71.dll **** MFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version
454 Mfc71u.dll **** MFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version
455 Mfcd42d.dll **** MFCDB Shared Library - Debug Version
456 Mfcn42d.dll **** MFCNET Shared Library - Debug Version
457 Mfco42d.dll **** MFCOLE Shared Library - Debug Version
458 Mgmtapi.dll **** Microsoft SNMP Manager API (uses WinSNMP)
459 Midimap.dll **** Microsoft Ses Eşleştiricisi
460 Miglibnt.dll **** NT migration dll support
461 Mimefilt.dll **** Microsoft (R) IMimeFilter Persistent Handler DLL
462 Mlang.dll **** Multi Language Support DLL
463 Mll_hp.dll **** HP Media Label Library
464 Mll_mtf.dll **** MTF (Microsoft Tape Format) Media Label Library
465 Mll_qic.dll **** QIC113 Media Label Library
466 Mmcbase.dll **** MMC Taban DLL'si
467 Mmcndmgr.dll **** MMC Düğüm Yöneticisi DLL'i
468 Mmcshext.dll **** MMC Shell Extension DLL
469 Mmdrv.dll **** MultiMedia Kernel support Driver
470 Mmfutil.dll **** WMI Ek Bileşen Yardımcıları
471 Mmsystem.dll **** Çoklu Ortam için Sistem API'leri
472 Mmutilse.dll **** Microsoft Multimedia Controls Utilities
473 Mnmdd.dll **** Application Sharing Display Driver
474 Mobsync.dll **** Microsoft Eşitleme Yöneticisi
475 Modemui.dll **** Windows Modem Özellikleri
476 Modex.dll **** ModeX Display Driver
477 Moricons.dll **** Windows NT Setup Icon Resources Library
478 Mp43dmod.dll **** Windows Media MPEG-4 Video Decoder
479 Mp4sdmod.dll **** Corona Windows Media MPEG-4 S Video Decoder
480 Mpg4dmod.dll **** Corona Windows Media MPEG-4 Video Decoder
481 Mplaa6.dll **** MPL Audio Library
482 Mplam6.dll **** MPL Audio Library
483 Mplapx.dll **** MPL Audio Library
484 Mplaw7.dll **** MPL Audio Library
485 Mplva6.dll **** MPL Video Library
486 Mplvm6.dll **** MPL Video Library
487 Mplvpx.dll **** MPL Video Library
488 Mplvw7.dll **** MPL Video Library
489 Mpr.dll **** Çoklu Sağlayıcı Yönlendirici DLL
490 Mprapi.dll **** Windows NT MP Router Administration DLL
491 Mprddm.dll **** İsteğe Bağlı Arama Yöneticisi
492 Mprdim.dll **** Dynamic Interface Manager
493 Mprmsg.dll **** Çok İletişim Kurallı Yönlendirici Hizmet İletileri DLL'si
494 Mprui.dll **** Çoklu Sağlayıcı
495 Mqad.dll **** Windows NT MQ Client AD Access
496 Mqcertui.dll **** Windows NT Certificate Dialogs
497 Mqdscli.dll **** Windows NT MQ Client Directory Service
498 Mqgentr.dll **** MSMQ Trigger Generic Object
499 Mqise.dll **** MSMQ ISAPI EXTENSION
500 Mqlogmgr.dll **** MS DTC log manager DLL
501 Mqoa.dll **** Message Queuing ActiveX Interface
502 Mqperf.dll **** Windows NT MQ Performance Coutners
503 Mqqm.dll **** Windows NT MQ Queue Manager
504 Mqrt.dll **** Windows NT MQ Run time DLL
505 Mqrtdep.dll **** Message Queueing Dependent Client
506 Mqsec.dll **** Windows NT, MSMQ 2.0 Security
507 Mqsnap.dll **** Windows NT MSMQ Admin
508 Mqtrig.dll **** MSMQ Trigger Object Module
509 Mqupgrd.dll **** MSMQ Upgrade
510 Mqutil.dll **** Windows NT MQ Utility DLL
511 Msaatext.dll **** Active Accessibility text support
512 Msacm.dll **** Microsoft Ses Sıkıştırma Yöneticisi
513 Msacm32.dll **** Microsoft ACM Ses Süzgeci
514 Msafd.dll **** Microsoft Windows Sockets 2.0 Service Provider
515 Msapsspc.dll **** 32 bit platformlar için DPA İstemcisi
516 Msasn1.dll **** ASN.1 Runtime APIs
517 Msaudite.dll **** Güvenlik Denetleme Olayları DLL'i
518 Msbind.dll **** Microsoft Data Binding Collection Object DLL
519 Mscat32.dll **** MSCAT32 Forwarder DLL
520 Mscms.dll **** Microsoft Color Matching System DLL
521 Msconf.dll **** Konferans Hizmet Programı Dll'i
522 Mscoree.dll **** Microsoft .NET Runtime Execution Engine
523 Mscorier.dll **** Microsoft .NET Runtime IE resources
524 Mscories.dll **** Microsoft .NET IE SECURITY REGISTRATION
525 Mscpx32r.dll **** Microsoft Data Access - ODBC Code Page Translator Resources
526 Mscpxl32.dll **** Microsoft Veri Erişimi - ODBC Kod Sayfası Çeviricisi
527 Msctf.dll **** MSCTF Server DLL
528 Msctfp.dll **** MSCTFP Server DLL
529 Msdadiag.dll **** Microsoft Data Access - Built-In Diagnostics
530 Msdart.dll **** Microsoft Data Access - OLE DB Runtime Routines
531 Msdbg.dll **** Active Debugging Proxy/Stub
532 Msdbgen.dll **** Microsoft Debugger Strings
533 Msdbrpt.dll **** Microsoft Data Report ActiveX Designer DLL - Version 6.0 (SP4)
534 Msdbrptr.dll **** Microsoft Data Report Runtime DLL - Version 6.0 (SP4)
535 Msdtclog.dll **** MS DTC log manager DLL
536 Msdtcprx.dll **** MS DTC OLE Transactions interface proxy DLL
537 Msdtctm.dll **** MS DTC transaction manager DLL
538 Msdtcuiu.dll **** MS DTC administrative component DLL
539 Msdxmlc.dll **** Windows Media Player
540 Msencode.dll **** FE2X
541 M***ch40.dll **** Microsoft Jet Exchange Isam
542 M***cl35.dll **** Microsoft Jet Excel Isam
543 M***cl40.dll **** Microsoft Jet Excel Isam
544 Msftedit.dll **** Rich Text Edit Control, v4.1
545 Msgina.dll **** Windows NT Logon GINA DLL
546 Msgsvc.dll **** NT Messenger Service
547 Mshtml.dll **** Microsoft (R) HTML Viewer
548 Mshtmled.dll **** Microsoft (R) HTML Düzenleme Bileşeni
549 Mshtmler.dll **** Microsoft (R) HTML Düzenleme Bileşeni Kaynak DLL'si
550 Msi.dll **** Windows Installer
551 Msident.dll **** Microsoft Kimlik Yöneticisi
552 Msidle.dll **** User Idle Monitor
553 Msidntld.dll **** Microsoft Kimlik Yöneticisi
554 Msieftp.dll **** Microsoft Internet Explorer FTP Klasörü Kabuk Uzantısı
555 Msihnd.dll **** Windows® installer
556 Msimg32.dll **** GDIEXT Client DLL
557 Msimsg.dll **** Windows® Installer International Messages
558 Msimtf.dll **** Active IMM Server DLL
559 Msisip.dll **** MSI Signature SIP Provider
560 Msjet35.dll **** Microsoft Jet Engine Library
561 Msjet40.dll **** Microsoft Jet Engine Library
562 Msjetoledb40.dll **** Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Jet
563 Msjint35.dll **** Microsoft Jet Database Engine International DLL
564 Msjint40.dll **** Microsoft Jet Veritabanı Alt Yapısı Uluslararası DLL
565 Msjt4jlt.dll **** Microsoft Jet Engine Library for Jolt
566 Msjter35.dll **** Microsoft Jet Database Engine Error DLL
567 Msjter40.dll **** Microsoft Jet Database Engine Error DLL
568 Msjtes40.dll **** Microsoft Jet Expression Service
569 Mslbui.dll **** LangageBar Eklentisi
570 Msls31.dll **** Microsoft Line Services library file
571 Msltus35.dll **** Microsoft Jet Lotus 1-2-3 Isam
572 Msltus40.dll **** Microsoft Jet Lotus 1-2-3 Isam
573 Msnetobj.dll **** DRM ActiveX Network Object
574 Msnsspc.dll **** MSN Internet Erişimi
575 Msobjs.dll **** Sistem nesnesi denetim adları
576 Msoeacct.dll **** Microsoft Internet Account Manager
577 Msoert2.dll **** Microsoft Outlook Express RT Lib
578 Msorc32r.dll **** Microsoft Data Access - Oracle için Resources ODBC Sürücüsü
579 Msorcl32.dll **** Microsoft Data Access - ODBC Driver for Oracle
580 Mspatcha.dll **** Microsoft(R) Patch Engine
581 Mspbde40.dll **** Microsoft Jet Paradox Isam
582 Mspdox35.dll **** Microsoft Jet Paradox Isam
583 Mspmsnsv.dll **** Microsoft Media Device Service Provider
584 Mspmsp.dll **** Microsoft Media Device Service Provider
585 Msports.dll **** Bağlantı Noktası Sınıf Yükleyicisi
586 Msprivs.dll **** Microsoft Privilege Translations
587 Msprptr.dll **** msprop32.ocx
588 Msr2c.dll **** Microsoft® Forms DLL
589 Msr2cenu.dll **** Microsoft® Forms DLL
590 Msratelc.dll **** Internet Dereceleri ve Yerel Kullanıcı Yönetimi DLL'i
591 Msrating.dll **** Internet Dereceleri ve Yerel Kullanıcı Yönetimi DLL'i
592 Msrclr40.dll **** Microsoft Jet Briefcase Reconciler Library
593 Msrd2x35.dll **** Microsoft (R) Red ISAM
594 Msrd2x40.dll **** Microsoft (R) Red ISAM
595 Msrd3x40.dll **** Microsoft (R) Red ISAM
596 Msrdo20.dll **** MSRDO20 rdoEngine control
597 Msrecr40.dll **** Microsoft Jet Briefcase Reconciler Resource Library
598 Msrepl35.dll **** Microsoft Replication Library
599 Msrepl40.dll **** Microsoft Replication Library
600 Msrle32.dll **** Microsoft sıkıştırma
601 Msrpfs35.dll **** Microsoft Jet Transport Library
602 Mssap.dll **** DRM
603 Msscp.dll **** Windows Media Secure Content Provider
604 Mssdm.dll **** Session Debug Manager
605 Mssign32.dll **** Microsoft Güven İmzalama API'leri
606 Mssip32.dll **** MSSIP32 Forwarder DLL
607 Msstdfmt.dll **** Microsoft Standard Data Formating Object DLL
608 Msstkprp.dll **** msprop32.ocx
609 Msswch.dll **** msswch
610 Mstask.dll **** Görev Zamanlayıcı ara birimi DLL
611 Mstext35.dll **** Microsoft Jet Text Isam
612 Mstext40.dll **** Microsoft Jet Text Isam
613 Mstime.dll **** Microsoft (R) HTML'ye Süreli Etkileşimli Çoklu Ortam Uzantıları
614 Mstlsapi.dll **** Microsoft® Terminal Server Licensing
615 Mstscax.dll **** Terminal Services ActiveX Client
616 Msutb.dll **** MSUTB Server DLL
617 Msv1_0.dll **** Microsoft Authentication Package v1.0
618 Msvbvm50.dll **** Visual Basic Virtual Machine
619 Msvbvm60.dll **** Visual Basic Virtual Machine
620 Msvci70.dll **** Microsoft® C++ Runtime Library
621 Msvcirt.dll **** Windows NT IOStreams DLL
622 Msvcirtd.dll **** Microsoft (R) C++ Runtime Library
623 Msvcp50.dll **** Microsoft (R) C++ Runtime Library
624 Msvcp60.dll **** Microsoft (R) C++ Runtime Library
625 Msvcp60d.dll **** Microsoft (R) C++ Runtime Library
626 Msvcp70.dll **** Microsoft® C++ Runtime Library
627 Msvcp71.dll **** Microsoft® C++ Runtime Library
628 Msvcr70.dll **** Microsoft® C Runtime Library
629 Msvcr71.dll **** Microsoft® C Runtime Library
630 Msvcrt.dll **** Windows NT CRT DLL
631 Msvcrt20.dll **** Microsoft® C Runtime Library
632 Msvcrt40.dll **** VC 4.x CRT DLL (Forwarded to msvcrt.dll ****)
633 Msvcrtd.dll **** Microsoft (R) C Runtime Library
634 Msvfw32.dll **** Microsoft Video for Windows DLL
635 Msvidc32.dll **** Microsoft Video 1 Sıkıştırıcı
636 Msvidctl.dll **** Video akışı için ActiveX denetimi
637 Msvideo.dll **** Microsoft Video for Windows DLL
638 Msw3prt.dll **** Web Yazdırma için ISAPI dll
639 Mswdat10.dll **** Microsoft Jet Sort Tables
640 Mswebdvd.dll **** MSWebDVD Modülü
641 Mswmdm.dll **** Windows Media Aygıt Yöneticisi Çekirdek Bileşeni
642 Mswsock.dll **** Microsoft Windows Sockets 2.0 Servis Sağlayıcı
643 Mswstr10.dll **** Microsoft Jet Sıralama Kitaplığı
644 Msxbde40.dll **** Microsoft Jet xBASE Isam
645 Msxbse35.dll **** Microsoft Jet xBase Isam
646 Msxml.dll **** XML OM for Win32
647 Msxml2.dll **** XML OM for Win32
648 Msxml2r.dll **** XML Resources for Win32
649 Msxml3.dll **** MSXML 3.0 SP 5
650 Msxml3r.dll **** XML Resources
651 Msxmlr.dll **** XML Resources for Win32
652 Msyuv.dll **** Microsoft UYVY Video Decompressor
653 Mtxclu.dll **** MS DTC amd MTS clustering support DLL
654 Mtxoci.dll **** Microsoft database support DLL for Oracle
655 Mycomput.dll **** Bilgisayar Yönetimi
656 Mydocs.dll **** Belgelerim Klasörü UI
657 Narrhook.dll **** Microsoft Narrator Keyboard and WinEvent hook
658 Ncxpnt.dll **** Netork Setup Wizard Support DLL
659 Nddeapi.dll **** Ağ DDE Paylaşımı Yönetim API'leri
660 Nddenb32.dll **** Ağ DDE NetBIOS Arabirimi
661 Netapi.dll **** Microsoft Windows için Microsoft LAN Manager 2.1 Ağ Dinamik Bağlantı Kitaplığı
662 Netapi32.dll **** Net Win32 API DLL
663 Netcfgx.dll **** Ağ Yapılandırma Nesneleri
664 Netevent.dll **** Ağ Olay İşleyicisi
665 Netfxperf.dll **** netfxperf.lib
666 Neth.dll **** Ağ Yardım İletileri DLL’si
667 Netid.dll **** Sistem Denetim Masası Uygulaması, Ağ Kimlik Sayfası
668 Netlogon.dll **** Net Logon Services DLL
669 Netman.dll **** Ağ Bağlantıları Yöneticisi
670 Netmsg.dll **** Ağ İletileri DLL'si
671 Netplwiz.dll **** Ağ Sürücüsüne Bağlan/Ağ Yerleri Sihirbazı
672 Netrap.dll **** Net Remote Admin Protocol DLL
673 Netshell.dll **** Ağ Bağlantılar Kabuğu
674 Netui0.dll **** NT LM UI Ortak Kod - GUI Sınıfları
675 Netui1.dll **** NT LM UI Common Code - Networking classes
676 Netui2.dll **** NT LM UI Ortak Kod - GUI Sınıfları
677 Newdev.dll **** Donanım Aygıtı Kitaplığı Ekle
678 Nlhtml.dll **** Net Library HTML filter
679 Nmevtmsg.dll **** NetMeeting Event Logging DLL
680 Nmmkcert.dll **** NMMKCERT Kitaplığı
681 Npptools.dll **** NPP Araçları Yardımcı DLL
682 Ntdll.dll **** NT Katmanı DLL’si
683 Ntdsapi.dll **** NT5DS
684 Ntdsbcli.dll **** NT5DS
685 Ntlanman.dll **** Microsoft® Lan Manager
686 Ntlanui.dll **** Lanman Denetim dll
687 Ntlanui2.dll **** Ağ nesnesi kabuk UI
688 Ntlsapi.dll **** Microsoft® License Server Interface DLL
689 Ntmarta.dll **** Windows NT MARTA sağlayıcı
690 Ntmsapi.dll **** Çıkarılabilir Depolama Ortak Arabirimleri
691 Ntmsdba.dll **** Çıkarılabilir Depolama Birimi Yöneticisi DB Nesne API'leri
692 Ntmsevt.dll **** Çıkarılabilir Depolama Birimi Yöneticisi Olay Günlükçüsü
693 Ntmsmgr.dll **** Çıkarılabilir Saklama Hizmeti
694 Ntmssvc.dll **** Çıkarılabilir Depolama Birimi Yöneticisi
695 Ntprint.dll **** Biriktirici Kurma DLL'i
696 Ntsdexts.dll **** Symbolic Debugger Extensions
697 Ntshrui.dll **** Paylaşım için kabuk uzantıları
698 Ntvdmd.dll **** NTVDMD.dll ****
699 Nwapi16.dll **** NW Windows/Dos API DLL
700 Nwapi32.dll **** NW Win32 API DLL
701 Nwcfg.dll **** NWC Configuration DLL
702 Nwevent.dll **** Client Service for NetWare'e ait Olay İletileri
703 Nwprovau.dll **** Client Service for NetWare Sağlayıcısı ve Kimlik Denetimi Paketi DLL'si
704 Nwwks.dll **** Client Service for Netware
705 Oakley.dll **** Oakley Anahtar Yöneticisi
706 Objsel.dll **** Nesne Açıcı İletişim Kutusu
707 Occache.dll **** Nesne Denetim Görüntüleyicisi
708 Ocmanage.dll **** İsteğe Bağlı Bileşen Yöneticisi Kitaplığı
709 Odbc16gt.dll **** Microsoft ODBC Driver Generic Thunk
710 Odbc32.dll **** Microsoft Data Access - ODBC Driver Manager
711 Odbc32gt.dll **** Microsoft Data Access - ODBC Driver Generic Thunk
712 Odbcbcp.dll **** Microsoft BCP for ODBC
713 Odbcconf.dll **** Microsoft Data Access - ODBC Driver Configuration Program
714 Odbccp32.dll **** Microsoft Data Access - ODBC Installer
715 Odbccr32.dll **** Microsoft Data Access - ODBC Cursor Library
716 Odbccu32.dll **** Microsoft Data Access - ODBC Cursor Library
717 Odbcint.dll **** Microsoft Data Access - ODBC Kaynakları
718 Odbcji32.dll **** Microsoft ODBC Desktop Driver Pack 3.5
719 Odbcjt32.dll **** Microsoft ODBC Desktop Driver Pack 3.5
720 Odbcp32r.dll **** Microsoft Data Access - ODBC Driver Manager Resources
721 Odbctl32.dll **** ODBC Helper Function DLL
722 Odbctrac.dll **** Microsoft Data Access - ODBC Driver Manager Trace
723 Oddbse32.dll **** ODBC (3.0) driver for DBase
724 Odexl32.dll **** ODBC (3.0) driver for Excel
725 Odfox32.dll **** ODBC (3.0) driver for FoxPro
726 Odkob32.dll **** Support Utilities for Visual Basic 4.0 Enterprise Edition
727 Odpdx32.dll **** ODBC (3.0) driver for Paradox
728 Odtext32.dll **** ODBC (3.0) driver for text files
729 Oemdspif.dll **** ATI Driver Interface DLL
730 Oggds.dll **** Ogg DirectShow(tm) Filter Collection
731 Ole2.dll **** OLE 2.1 16/32 Interoperability Library
732 Ole2disp.dll **** OLE 2.1 16/32 Interoperability Library
733 Ole2nls.dll **** OLE 2.1 16/32 Interoperability Library
734 Ole32.dll **** Windows için Microsoft OLE
735 Oleacc.dll **** Active Accessibility Core Component
736 Oleaccrc.dll **** Active Accessibility Resource DLL
737 Olecli.dll **** Nesne Bağlama ve Katıştırma İstemci Kitaplığı
738 Olecli32.dll **** Nesne Bağlama ve Katıştırma İstemci Kitaplığı
739 Olecnv32.dll **** Microsoft OLE for Windows
740 Oledlg.dll **** Microsoft Windows(TM) OLE 2.0 Kullanıcı Arabirimi Desteği
741 Oleprn.dll **** Oleprn DLL
742 Olesvr.dll **** Object Linking and Embedding Server Library
743 Olesvr32.dll **** Object Linking and Embedding Server Library
744 Olethk32.dll **** Microsoft OLE for Windows
745 Opengl32.dll **** OpenGL Client DLL
746 Osuninst.dll **** Kaldırma Arabirimi
747 P2p.dll **** Peer-to-Peer Grouping
748 P2pgasvc.dll **** Peer-to-Peer Group Authentication Service
749 P2pgraph.dll **** Peer-to-Peer Graphing
750 P2pnetsh.dll **** Peer-to-Peer NetSh Helper
751 P2psvc.dll **** Peer-to-Peer Services
752 Panmap.dll **** PANOSE(tm) Font Mapper
753 P**sp.dll **** P**SP Module
754 Pautoenr.dll **** Otomatik Kayıt DLL
755 Pdh.dll **** Windows Performans Verisi Yardımcı DLL
756 Pdm.dll **** Process Debug Manager
757 Perfctrs.dll **** Performans sayaçları
758 Perfdisk.dll **** Windows Disk Performans Nesneleri DLL
759 Perfnet.dll **** Windows Ağ Hizmeti Performans Nesneleri DLL
760 Perfnw.dll **** Client Service for Netware Counters
761 Perfos.dll **** Windows Sistem Performans Nesneleri DLL
762 Perfproc.dll **** Windows Sistem İşlem Performans Nesneleri DLL
763 Perfts.dll **** Windows 2000 Terminal Services Performance Objects
764 Photowiz.dll **** Fotoğraf Yazdırma Sihirbazı
765 Picn20.dll **** Pegasus Dispatcher for Win32
766 Pid.dll **** Microsoft PID
767 Pidgen.dll **** Pid3.0 generation
768 Pifmgr.dll **** Windows NT PIF Manager Icon Resources Library
769 Pjlmon.dll **** PJL Language monitor
770 Plustab.dll **** Effects Control Panel extension
771 Pmspl.dll **** Microsoft LAN Manager 2.1 Network Dynamic Link Library for Microsoft Windows
772 Pngfilt.dll **** IE PNG plugin image decoder
773 Pnrpnsp.dll **** PNRP Name Space Provider
774 Polstore.dll **** İlke Depo dll'si
775 Powrprof.dll **** Power Profile Helper DLL
776 Prflbmsg.dll **** Perflib Olay İletileri
777 Printui.dll **** Yazdırma UI DLL'i
778 Profmap.dll **** Userenv
779 Psapi.dll **** Process Status Helper
780 Psbase.dll **** Korumalı Depo varsayılan sağlayıcısı
781 Pschdprf.dll **** Microsoft® Windows(TM) PSched Performance Monitor
782 Psnppagn.dll **** DCOM Proxy for NPPAgent Object
783 Pstorec.dll **** Protected Storage COM interfaces
784 Pstorsvc.dll **** Korumalı depolama sunucusu
785 Qasf.dll **** DirectShow ASF Support
786 Qcap.dll **** DirectShow Runtime.
787 Qdv.dll **** DirectShow Runtime.
788 Qdvd.dll **** DirectShow DVD PlayBack Runtime.
789 Qedit.dll **** DirectShow Düzenleme.
790 Qmgr.dll **** Arka Plan Akıllı Aktarım Hizmeti
791 Qmgrprxy.dll **** Background Intelligent Transfer Service Proxy
792 Qosname.dll **** Microsoft Windows GetQosByName Service Provider
793 Quartz.dll **** DirectShow Runtime.
794 Query.dll **** İçerik Dizini Hizmet Programı DLL
795 Racpldlg.dll **** Microsoft Uzaktan Yardım
796 Racreg32.dll **** Remote Automation Connection Manager Server
797 Rasadhlp.dll **** Remote Access AutoDial Helper
798 Rasapi32.dll **** Uzaktan Erişim API
799 Rasauto.dll **** Remote Access AutoDial Manager
800 Raschap.dll **** Remote Access PPP CHAP
801 Rasctrs.dll **** Windows NT Uzaktan Erişim Perfmon Sayacı dll
802 Rasdlg.dll **** Remote Access Common Dialog API
803 Rasman.dll **** Remote Access Connection Manager
804 Rasmans.dll **** Remote Access Connection Manager
805 Rasmontr.dll **** RAS İzleyicisi DLL
806 Rasmxs.dll **** Remote Access Device DLL for modems, PADs and switches
807 Rasppp.dll **** Remote Access PPP
808 Rasrad.dll **** Remote Access Service NT RADIUS client module
809 Rassapi.dll **** Remote Access Admin APIs dll
810 Rasser.dll **** Remote Access Media DLL for COM ports
811 Rastapi.dll **** Remote Access TAPI Compliance Layer
812 Rastls.dll **** Uzaktan Erişim PPP EAP-TLS
813 Rcbdyctl.dll **** Microsoft Uzaktan Yardım
814 Rdchost.dll **** RDSHost Client Module
815 Rdocurs.dll **** Microsoft RDO Client Cursor DLL
816 Rdpcfgex.dll **** RDP iletişim kuralı için Terminal Sunucusu Bağlantı Yapılandırma Uzantısı
817 Rdpdd.dll **** RDP Display Driver
818 Rdpsnd.dll **** Terminal Server MultiMedia Driver
819 Rdpwsx.dll **** RDP Extension DLL
820 Regapi.dll **** Registry Configuration APIs
821 Regsvc.dll **** Remote Registry Service
822 Regwizc.dll **** RegWizCtrl Module
823 Remotepg.dll **** Uzak Oturumlar CPL Uzantısı
824 Rend.dll **** Microsoft Rendezvous Control
825 Reputil.dll **** Microsoft Repository Utilities
826 Resutils.dll **** Microsoft Cluster Resource Utility DLL
827 Riched20.dll **** Rich Text Edit Control, v3.0
828 Riched32.dll **** Wrapper Dll for Richedit 1.0
829 Rnr20.dll **** Windows Socket2 NameSpace DLL
830 Routetab.dll **** Microsoft Routing Table DLL
831 Rpcns4.dll **** Remote Procedure Call Name Service Client
832 Rpcrt4.dll **** Remote Procedure Call Runtime
833 Rpcss.dll **** Distributed COM Services
834 Rsaenh.dll **** Microsoft Enhanced Cryptographic Provider
835 Rsfsaps.dll **** FSA Proxy / Stub
836 Rshx32.dll **** Güvenlik Kabuğu Uzantısı
837 Rsmps.dll **** RSM Proxy Stub
838 Rsvpmsg.dll **** RSVP İletileri DLLi
839 Rsvpperf.dll **** Microsoft® Windows(TM) RSVP Performance Monitor
840 Rsvpsp.dll **** Microsoft Windows Rsvp 1.0 Service Provider
841 Rtipxmib.dll **** Microsoft Router IPX MIB subagent
842 Rtm.dll **** Routing Table Manager
843 Rtutils.dll **** Routing Utilities
844 S11thk32.dll **** SynthCore R2.0 Midi Interface Driver
845 Safrcdlg.dll **** Microsoft PCHealth Uzaktan Yardım Dosya Aç& Kaydet denetimleri
846 Safrdm.dll **** Microsoft Yardım Merkezi Masaüstü Yöneticisi
847 Safrslv.dll **** Microsoft Help Center Session Resolver
848 Samlib.dll **** SAM Library DLL
849 Samsrv.dll **** SAM Sunucu DLL’si
850 Sbeio.dll **** Stream Buffer IO DLL
851 Scarddlg.dll **** SCardDlg - Akıllı Kart Genel İletişim Kutusu
852 Scardssp.dll **** Smart Card Base Service Providers
853 Sccbase.dll **** Infineon SICRYPT® Base Smart Card CSP
854 Sccsccp.dll **** Infineon SICRYPT® Akıllı Kart Şifreleme Sağlayıcısı COM Nesneleri
855 Scecli.dll **** Windows Güvenlik Yapılandırması Düzenleyicisi İstemci Altyapısı
856 Scesrv.dll **** Windows Güvenlik Yapılandırması Düzenleyicisi Altyapısı
857 Schannel.dll **** TLS / SSL Security Provider
858 Schedsvc.dll **** Görev Zamanlayıcı Makinesi
859 Sclgntfy.dll **** İkincil Oturum Açma Hizmeti Bildirim DLL'si
860 Scotr.dll **** Microsoft (r) Kod Bileşeni Kaynakları
861 Scp32.dll **** Code Page Translation Library
862 Scredir.dll **** Smart Card Redirection for TS
863 Scriptle.dll **** Script Language Engine
864 Scriptpw.dll **** ScriptPW Module
865 Scrobj.dll **** Windows (r) Script Component Runtime
866 Scrrntr.dll **** Microsoft (r) Kod Çalışma Anı Kitaplığı Uluslararası Kaynaklar
867 Scrrun.dll **** Microsoft (r) Script Runtime
868 Sdhcinst.dll **** Secure Digital Host Controller Class Installer
869 Sdpblb.dll **** Microsoft Sdpblb
870 Seclogon.dll **** İkincil Oturum Açma Hizmeti DLL'si
871 Secur32.dll **** Security Support Provider Interface
872 Security.dll **** Security Support Provider Interface
873 Selfreg.dll **** Self Registration DLL
874 Sendcmsg.dll **** Konsol İletisi Gönder
875 Sendmail.dll **** Posta Gönder
876 Sens.dll **** System Event Notification Service (SENS)
877 Sensapi.dll **** SENS Connectivity API DLL
878 Senscfg.dll **** SENS Setup/Setup Tool
879 Serialui.dll **** Seri Bağlantı Noktası Özellik Sayfaları
880 Servdeps.dll **** WMI Ek Bileşenleri
881 Serwvdrv.dll **** Unimodem Serial Wave sürücüsü
882 Setupapi.dll **** Windows Kur API
883 Setupdll.dll **** Windows 2000 Kur Dynlink
884 Sfc.dll **** Windows File Protection
885 Sfc_os.dll **** Windows Dosya Koruması
886 Sfcfiles.dll **** Zerowa lista dla System File Checker
887 Sfmapi.dll **** Windows NT Macintosh File Service Client
888 Shdoclc.dll **** Kabuk Belgesi Nesne ve Denetim Kitaplığı
889 Shdocvw.dll **** Kabuk Belgesi Nesne ve Denetim Kitaplığı
890 Shell.dll **** Windows Shell library
891 Shell32.dll **** Windows Shell Ortak Dll'li
892 Shellstyle.dll **** Windows Kabuk Stili Kaynak Dll
893 Shfolder.dll **** Shell Folder Service
894 Shgina.dll **** Windows Shell User Logon
895 Shimeng.dll **** Shim Engine DLL
896 Shimgvw.dll **** Windows Resim ve Faks Görüntüleyicisi
897 Shlwapi.dll **** Kabuk Hafif Hizmet Programı Kitaplığı
898 Shmedia.dll **** Ortam Dosyası Özellik Çıkarma Kabuk Uzantısı
899 Shscrap.dll **** Kabuk atık nesne işleyicisi
900 Shsvcs.dll **** Windows Kabuk Hizmetleri Dll'si
901 Sigtab.dll **** Dosya Bütünlüğü Ayarları
902 Sisbkup.dll **** Single-Instance Store Backup Support Functions
903 Skdll.dll **** Serial Keys
904 Slayerxp.dll **** Uyumluluk Sekmesi Kabuk Uzantı DLL'si
905 Slbcsp.dll **** Schlumberger Smart Card CryptoAPI Library
906 Slbiop.dll **** Schlumberger Smart Card Interoperability Library v2
907 Slbrccsp.dll **** Schlumberger Akıllı Kart Şifreleme API'si Kaynak Dosyası
908 Smlogcfg.dll **** Performans Günlükleri ve Uyarılar Ek Bileşeni
909 Smmedia.dll **** SoundMAX Media
910 Smmscrpt.dll **** Automated Script Point-to-Point Protocol Session Management Module
911 Smmsetup.dll **** Dial-Up Networking Session Management Module Setup
912 Snmpapi.dll **** SNMP Utility Library
913 Snmpsnap.dll **** SNMP ek bileşeni
914 Softpub.dll **** Softpub Forwarder DLL
915 Spnike.dll **** MDM Device Interface for Nike device.
916 Spoolss.dll **** Spooler SubSystem DLL
917 Sporder.dll **** WinSock2 reorder service providers
918 Sprio600.dll **** MDM Device Interface for Rio 600 device.
919 Sprio800.dll **** MDM Device Interface for Rio 800 device.
920 Spxcoins.dll **** Specialix MPS NT Upgrade CoInstaller
921 Sqlparse.dll **** SQLParser
922 Sqlsrv32.dll **** Microsoft SQL Server ODBC Driver
923 Sqlunirl.dll **** String Function .dll **** for SQL Enterprise Components
924 Sqlwid.dll **** Unicode Function .dll **** for SQL Enterprise Components
925 Sqlwoa.dll **** Unicode/ANSI Function .dll **** for SQL Enterprise Components
926 Srclient.dll **** SR İSTEMCİ DLL'si
927 Srrstr.dll **** Sistem Geri Yükleme Geri Yükleme Kitaplığı
928 Srsvc.dll **** Sistem Geri Yükleme Hizmeti
929 Srvsvc.dll **** Server Service DLL
930 Ssdpapi.dll **** SSDP Client API DLL
931 Ssdpsrv.dll **** SSDP Service DLL
932 Sti.dll **** Hareketsiz Görüntü Aygıtları istemci DLL?i
933 Sti_ci.dll **** Resim Sınıfı Yükleyicisi
934 Stobject.dll **** Systray shell service object
935 Storage.dll **** OLE 2.1 16/32 Interoperability Library
936 Storprop.dll **** Depolama Aygıtları Özellik Sayfaları
937 Streamci.dll **** Streaming Device Class Installer
938 Strmdll.dll **** Windows Media Services Streamer Dll
939 Strmfilt.dll **** Stream Filter Library
940 Svcpack.dll **** Windows 2000 Service Pack Setup
941 Swprv.dll **** Microsoft® Birim Gölge Kopyası Hizmeti yazılım sağlayıcısı
942 Sxs.dll **** Fusion 2.5
943 Synceng.dll **** Windows Briefcase Engine
944 Syncor11.dll **** SynthCore R2.0 Midi Interface Driver
945 Syncui.dll **** Windows Evrak Çantası
946 Sysinv.dll **** Windows Sistem Bilgisi
947 Syssetup.dll **** Windows NT Sistem Kur
948 Tapi.dll **** Microsoft® Windows(TM) Telephony Server16
949 Tapi3.dll **** Microsoft TAPI3
950 Tapi32.dll **** Microsoft® Windows(TM) Telefon API İstemci DLL
951 Tapiperf.dll **** Microsoft® Windows(TM) Telephony Performance Monitor
952 Tapisrv.dll **** Microsoft® Windows(TM) Telephony Server
953 Tapiui.dll **** Microsoft® Windows(TM) Telephony API UI DLL
954 Tcpmib.dll **** Standard TCP/IP Port Monitor Helper DLL
955 Tcpmon.dll **** Standart TCP/IP Bağlantı Noktası İzleyicisi DLL
956 Tcpmonui.dll **** Standart TCP/IP Bağlantı Noktası İzleyicisi Kullanıcı Arabirimi DLL'i
957 Termmgr.dll **** Microsoft TAPI3 Terminal Yöneticisi
958 Termsrv.dll **** Terminal Sunucusu Hizmeti
959 Thawbrkr.dll **** Thai Word Breaker
960 Themeui.dll **** Windows Tema API
961 Tlbinf32.dll **** peLib Information Objects
962 Tlntsvrp.dll **** Microsoft Telnet Server Proxy Stub
963 Toolhelp.dll **** Windows Debug/Tool helper library
964 Traffic.dll **** Microsoft Traffic Control 1.0 DLL
965 Trkwks.dll **** Distributed Link Tracking Client
966 Tsappcmp.dll **** Terminal Services Application Compatibility DLL
967 Tsbyuv.dll **** Toshiba Video Codec
968 Tscfgwmi.dll **** Terminal Sunucusu Yapılandırma WMI sağlayıcısı
969 Tsddd.dll **** Framebuffer Display Driver
970 Twext.dll **** Önceki Sürümler özellik sayfası
971 Txflog.dll **** Simple Kernel-mode File-based Log
972 pelib.dll **** OLE 2.1 16/32 Interoperability Library
973 Udhisapi.dll **** UPnP Device Host ISAPI Extension
974 Ufat.dll **** FAT Utility DLL
975 Ulib.dll **** Dosya Hizmet Programları Destek DLL
976 Umandlg.dll **** UManDlg DLL
977 Umdmxfrm.dll **** Unimodem Tranform Module
978 Umpnpmgr.dll **** Kullanıcı modu Tak ve Çalıştır Hizmeti
979 Unimdmat.dll **** Unimodem Servis Sağlayıcı AT Mini Sürücüsü
980 Uniplat.dll **** Unimodem AT Mini Driver Platform Driver for Windows NT
981 Untfs.dll **** NTFS Utility DLL
982 Unzip32.dll **** Info-ZIP's UnZip DLL for Win32
983 Upnp.dll **** Universal Plug and Play API
984 Upnphost.dll **** UPnP Aygıt Ana Makinesi
985 Upnpui.dll **** UPNP Çekmeceli Monitör ve Klasör
986 Ureg.dll **** Registry Utility DLL
987 Url.dll **** Internet Kısayolu Kabuk Uzantı DLL'i
988 Urlmon.dll **** Win32 için OLE32 Uzantıları
989 Usbmon.dll **** Standard Dynamic Printing Port Monitor DLL
990 Usbui.dll **** USB UI Dll
991 User32.dll **** Windows XP USER API İstemci DLL
992 Userenv.dll **** Userenv
993 Usp10.dll **** Uniscribe Unicode script processor
994 Usrcntra.dll **** 3ccntry
995 Usrcoina.dll **** U.S. Robotics modem coinstaller
996 Usrdpa.dll **** U.S. Robotics data pump manager
997 Usrdtea.dll **** 3cdte
998 Usrfaxa.dll **** 3cfax
999 Usrlbva.dll **** 3clbv
1000 Usrrtosa.dll **** 3crtos
1001 Usrsdpia.dll **** 3csdpi
1002 Usrsvpia.dll **** 3csvpi
1003 Usrv42a.dll **** 3cv42
1004 Usrv80a.dll **** 3cv80
1005 Usrvoica.dll **** 3cvoice
1006 Usrvpa.dll **** U.S. Robotics voice pump
1007 Utildll.dll **** WinStation hizmet program desteği DLL
1008 Uxtheme.dll **** Microsoft UxTheme Kitaplığı
1009 Vb5db.dll **** Visual Basic ICursor Interface Library
1010 Vb6fr.dll **** Ressources internationales de l'environnement Visual Basic
1011 Vb6stkit.dll **** Visual Basic Setup Toolkit Library DLL
1012 Vbajet32.dll **** Visual Basic for Applications Development Environment - Expression Service Loader
1013 Vbame.dll **** VBA Middle East Support
1014 Vbar332.dll **** Visual Basic for Applications Runtime - Expression Service
1015 Vbscript.dll **** Microsoft (r) VBScript
1016 Vbstr.dll **** Microsoft (r) VBScript Uluslararası Kaynakları
1017 Vcdex.dll **** 32-bit MSCDEX Virtual Device Driver
1018 Vdmdbg.dll **** VDMDBG.dll ****
1019 Vdmredir.dll **** Virtual Dos Machine Network Interface Library
1020 Ver.dll **** Version Checking and File Installation Libraries
1021 Verifier.dll **** Standard application verifier provider dll
1022 Version.dll **** Version Checking and File Installation Libraries
1023 Vfp6r.dll **** Microsoft® Visual FoxPro® Runtime Library
1024 Vfp6renu.dll **** Microsoft® Visual FoxPro® Runtime Library Resources
1025 Vfpodbc.dll **** Microsoft® Visual Foxpro® ODBC Driver
1026 Vfwwdm32.dll **** WDM Video Yakalama Aygıtları için VfW MM Sürücüleri
1027 Vga.dll **** VGA 16 Colour Display Driver
1028 Vga256.dll **** 256 Color VGA\SVGA Display Driver
1029 Vga64k.dll **** 32K/64K color VGA\SVGA Display Driver
1030 Virtear.dll **** Sensaura Virtual Ear Filter Design
1031 Vjoy.dll **** 32-bit Joystick Virtual Device Driver
1032 Vm31bsti.dll **** Still Image (STI) Driver
1033 Vobsub.dll **** vobsub
1034 Vss_ps.dll **** Microsoft® Volume Shadow Copy Service proxy/stub
1035 Vssapi.dll **** Microsoft® Volume Shadow Copy Requestor/Writer Services API DLL
1036 Vwipxspx.dll **** Virtual Dos Machine IPX/SPX Interface Library
1037 W32time.dll **** Windows Time Service
1038 W32topl.dll **** Windows NT Topology Maintenance Tool
1039 W3ssl.dll **** SSL service for HTTP
1040 Wavemsp.dll **** Microsoft Wave MSP
1041 Wdfapi.dll **** Windows User Mode Driver Framework API
1042 Wdigest.dll **** Microsoft Digest Access
1043 Wdmioctl.dll **** wdmioctl
1044 Webcheck.dll **** Web Sitesi İzleyicisi
1045 Webclnt.dll **** Web DAV Service DLL
1046 Webhits.dll **** Dizin Hizmeti Web İsabetleri
1047 Webvw.dll **** Shell WebView Content & Control Library
1048 Wiadefui.dll **** WIA Tarayıcı Varsayılan Kullanıcı Arabirimi
1049 Wiadss.dll **** WIA TWAIN uyumluluk katmanı
1050 Wiascr.dll **** WIA Scripting Layer
1051 Wiaservc.dll **** Hareketsiz Görüntü Aygıtlar Hizmeti
1052 Wiashext.dll **** Görüntüleme Aygıtları Kabuk Klasörü Arabirimi
1053 Wiavideo.dll **** WIA Video
1054 Wiavusd.dll **** WIA Video Akış aygıtı USD
1055 Wifeman.dll **** Windows WIFE interface core component
1056 Win32spl.dll **** 32-bit Biriktirici API DLL'i
1057 Winbrand.dll **** Windows Branding Resources
1058 Winfax.dll **** Microsoft Fax API Support DLL
1059 Winhttp.dll **** Windows HTTP Services
1060 Wininet.dll **** Internet Extensions for Win32
1061 Winipsec.dll **** Windows IPSec SPD Client DLL
1062 Winmm.dll **** MCI API DLL
1063 Winnls.dll **** Windows IME interface core component
1064 Winntbbu.dll **** Windows Kur BillBrd DLL
1065 Winrnr.dll **** LDAP RnR Provider DLL
1066 Winscard.dll **** Microsoft Akıllı Kart API'si
1067 Winshfhc.dll **** File Risk Estimation
1068 Winsock.dll **** Windows Socket 16-Bit DLL
1069 Winsrv.dll **** Windows Server DLL
1070 Winsta.dll **** Winstation Library
1071 Winstrm.dll **** Akış DLL'i
1072 Wintrust.dll **** Microsoft Güven Doğrulama API'leri
1073 Wkssvc.dll **** Workstation Service DLL
1074 Wldap32.dll **** Win32 LDAP API DLL
1075 Wlnotify.dll **** Winlogon bildirimleri almak için ortak DLL
1076 Wmadmod.dll **** Windows Media Audio Decoder
1077 Wmadmoe.dll **** Windows Media Audio Encoder/Transcoder
1078 Wmasf.dll **** Windows Media ASF DLL
1079 Wmdmlog.dll **** Windows Media Device Manager Logger
1080 Wmdmps.dll **** Windows Media Device Manager Proxy Stub
1081 Wmdrmdev.dll **** Windows Media DRM for Network Devices Registration DLL
1082 Wmdrmnet.dll **** Windows Media DRM for Network Devices DLL
1083 Wmerror.dll **** Windows Media Hata Tanımları (İngilizce)
1084 Wmerrtrk.dll **** Windows Media Services Hata Tanımları
1085 Wmi.dll **** WMI DC and DP functionality
1086 Wmidx.dll **** Windows Media Indexer DLL
1087 Wmiprop.dll **** WDM Sağlayıcısı Dinamik Özellik Sayfası Ortak Yükleyicisi
1088 Wmiscmgr.dll **** WMI Süzgeç Yöneticisi
1089 Wmnetmgr.dll **** Windows Media Network Plugin Manager DLL
1090 Wmp.dll **** Windows Media Player Core
1091 Wmpasf.dll **** Windows Media Filter Shim
1092 Wmpcd.dll **** Windows Media Player
1093 Wmpcore.dll **** Windows Media Player
1094 Wmpdxm.dll **** Windows Media 6.4 Player Shim
1095 Wmpencen.dll **** Windows Media Player Encoding Module
1096 Wmploc.dll **** Windows Media Player
1097 Wmpshell.dll **** Windows Media Player Başlatıcısı
1098 Wmpsrcwp.dll **** WMPSrcWp Module
1099 Wmpui.dll **** Windows Media Player
1100 Wmsdmod.dll **** Windows Media Screen Decoder
1101 Wmsdmoe.dll **** Windows Media Screen Encoder
1102 Wmsdmoe2.dll **** Corona Windows Media Screen Encoder
1103 Wmspdmod.dll **** Windows Media Audio 9 Voice Decoder
1104 Wmspdmoe.dll **** Windows Media Audio 9 Voice Encoder
1105 Wmstream.dll **** Windows Media Streamer DLL
1106 Wmv9vcm.dll **** Windows Media Video 9 VCM
1107 Wmvadvd.dll **** Windows Media Video 9 Decoder
1108 Wmvadve.dll **** Windows Media Video 9 Decoder
1109 Wmvcore.dll **** Windows Media Playback/Authoring DLL
1110 Wmvdmod.dll **** Windows Media Video Decoder
1111 Wmvdmoe2.dll **** Windows Media Video Encoder
1112 Wow32.dll **** 32-bit WOW Subsystem Library
1113 Wowfax.dll **** Windows 3.1 Compatible Fax Driver DLL
1114 Wowfaxui.dll **** Windows 3.1 Uyumlu Faks Sürücüsü UI DLL
1115 Wpd_ci.dll **** Driver Setup Class Installer for Windows Portable Devices
1116 Wpdconns.dll **** WPD Connection Objects
1117 Wpdmtp.dll **** MTP core protocol component
1118 Wpdmtpus.dll **** Usbscan transport layer for MTP driver
1119 Wpdsp.dll **** WMDM Service Provider for Windows Portable Devices
1120 Wpdtrace.dll **** WPD Tracing
1121 Ws2_32.dll **** Windows Socket 2.0 32-Bit DLL
1122 Ws2help.dll **** Windows NT için Windows Socket 2.0 Yardımcısı
1123 Wscsvc.dll **** Windows Security Center Service
1124 Wsecedit.dll **** Güvenlik Yapılandırma UI Birimi
1125 Wshatm.dll **** Windows Sockets Helper DLL
1126 Wshbth.dll **** Windows Sockets Helper DLL
1127 Wshcon.dll **** Microsoft (r) Windows Script Controller
1128 Wshext.dll **** Microsoft (r) Shell Extension for Windows Script Host
1129 Wship6.dll **** IPv6 Helper DLL
1130 Wshisn.dll **** NWLINK2 Socket Helper DLL
1131 Wshnetbs.dll **** Netbios Windows Sockets Helper DLL
1132 Wshrm.dll **** Windows Sockets Helper DLL for PGM
1133 Wshtcpip.dll **** Windows Sockets Helper DLL
1134 Wshtr.dll **** Microsoft (r) Windows Kod Merkezi Uluslararası Kaynaklar
1135 Wsnmp32.dll **** Microsoft WinSNMP v2.0 Manager API
1136 Wsock32.dll **** Windows Socket 32-Bit DLL
1137 Wstdecod.dll **** WST Şifre Çözücüsü Süzgeci
1138 Wtsapi32.dll **** Windows Terminal Server SDK APIs
1139 Wuapi.dll **** Windows Update İstemcisi API
1140 Wuaueng.dll **** Windows Update AutoUpdate Engine
1141 Wuaueng1.dll **** Windows Update Otomatik Güncelleştirme Altyapısı
1142 Wuauserv.dll **** Windows Update AutoUpdate Service
1143 Wucltui.dll **** Windows Update İstemci UI Eklentisi
1144 Wups.dll **** Windows Update client proxy stub
1145 Wuweb.dll **** Windows Update Web Control
1146 Wzcdlg.dll **** Kablosuz Sıfır Yapılandırma Hizmeti UI
1147 Wzcsapi.dll **** Wireless Zero Configuration service API
1148 Wzcsvc.dll **** Kablosuz Sıfır Yapılandırma hizmeti
1149 X3daudio1_0.dll **** X3DAudio
1150 Xactengine2_0.dll **** XACT Engine API
1151 Xactengine2_1.dll **** XACT Engine API
1152 Xactsrv.dll **** Downlevel API Server DLL
1153 Xinput1_1.dll **** Microsoft Common Controller API
1154 Xinput9_1_0.dll **** Microsoft Common Controller API
1155 Xmlprov.dll **** Network Provisioning Service
1156 Xmlprovi.dll **** Network Provisioning Service Client API
1157 Xolehlp.dll **** MS DTC helper APIs DLL
1158 Xpsp1res.dll **** Service Pack 1 İletileri
1159 Xpsp2res.dll **** Service Pack 2 İletileri
1160 Zip32.dll **** Info-ZIP's Zip dll
1161 Zipfldr.dll **** Sıkıştırılmış (daraltılmış) Klasörler

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